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All foreign travelers who wish to travel to Tunisia must complete the Tunisia Health Declaration Form. This form is mandatory for all tourists who wish to travel to this African country. It requires the intent of visiting Tunisia to be indicated on the form. This is vital as the holder cannot travel abroad without it.

This is also important because without it, the holder cannot travel to Tunisia without the necessary authorization and visa. The Tunisia health declaration form is generally available at travel desks of various hotels and other places that provide tourist services. The reason is that all Tunisian citizens must have a copy upon their arrival. This is done so that the state is able to monitor visitors to the country and keep track on those that may have a criminal background.

Two ways can be used to screen travelers for the Tunisia health declaration form. One is through border security inspection wherein travelers are asked to show their identification cards as they enter the country. The second is quarantine. Quarantine is effective when you want to limit the number of people that you let in the country since contagious diseases can easily spread through contact.

When you arrive in Tunisia, the next step is to fill up the submitted form and return to the port of call. The consulate will verify your identity and send the documentation to you after receipt. Anyone who does not have the required documentation to complete the security inspection will be fingerprinted prior to being allowed to enter the country. After the fingerprinting procedure, a sample of your face must be submitted along with a copy of the approved passport and photo. After submission, the consul will inspect the samples and determine if they meet the stipulated requirements.

Those who have applied for a Tunisia health insurance plan or any private health insurance plan that has been accepted by the Tunisia government must fill up the submission form. This includes those who are applying for migration or who are settled in the country. You will need to include basic information such as your name, address, and contact numbers.

Tunisia does not require travelers to obtain Pronay or negative covid-19 pcr test before arriving in the country. Pronay in Tunisia is not required. Travelers must undergo blood tests and a colonoscopy at airport before landing. These procedures will ensure that you don't need to complete the Tunisia health declaration form. You can ask your agent for assistance regarding the requirements.


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